
Photo of the MV laboratory
Medium Voltage, High Power Laboratory
The Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems is equipped with six medium voltage, high power test cells each with a floor space of approximately 25m2. The cells can be combined for larger test set ups. In the laboratory the following sources are projected:
- 400VAC / 250kW
- 0..400/0..800VAC / 250kW
- 0..25kVAC / 250kW
- 0..35kVDC / 250kW
- 0..2kVDC / 100kW (bidirectional)
- 400V Arbitrary AC Source (5kHz/100kW)
Furthermore, a water cooling with a heat removal capcity of 150kW and an air cooling system with a total power of 60kW are projected in the cells. In order to move the test systems a 2t crane is installed.

Photo of the MV laboratory