Power Electronic Systems II
Converter dynamics and control: State Space Averaging, transfer functions, controller design, impact of the input filter on the converter transfer functions.
Performance data of single-phase and three-phase systems: effect of different loss components on the efficiency characteristics, linear and non-linear single phase loads, power flow of general three-phase systems, space vector calculus.
Modeling and control of three-phase PWM rectifiers: system characterization using rotating coordinates, control structure, transfer functions, operation with symmetrical and unsymmetrical mains voltages.
Scaling laws of transformers and electromechanical actuators.
Drives with permanent magnet synchronous machines: basic function, modeling, field-oriented control.
Unidirectional AC/DC converters and AC/AC converters: voltage and current DC link converters, indirect and direct matrix converters.
Additional information is given in Moodle.
Written Aids
- Written summary (10 A4 pages, double sided)
- Pocket calculator without comm. interfaces (see table of allowed calculators)
- No lecture notes/slides, no exercises/solutions
- No old exams, no communication devices
It is not allowed to store textfiles/PDFs or similar things on the pocket calculator (e.g. via Notefolio by TI). The pocket calculators must not have infrared/optical or a wireless interface.
(errors and omissions excepted - for details please check the official course catalogue)